Our 10 favourite Photo spots on Bali

Table of Contents

1. Bukit Cinta

Bukit Cinta is the perfect spot for a sunrise mission! The view on the Vulcano with the Rice fields in the front ist just beautiful. The drive from Ubud takes about 1:30 hours but you still have to get up really early as the sun rises between  5:30 an d 6:30 depending in which month you will be there. Unlike popular sunrise spots that are easily accessible, Bukit Cinta requires a bit of navigation through the darkness to find the right spot. the terrain can be rugged and uneven as it is on a field and downhill.

As the sky begins to lighten and the first hints of dawn paint the horizon in  pink and orange the magic is starting. With each passing moment, the anticipation builds, until finally, the sun emerges from behind the clouds, casting its golden rays upon the landscape below. On a cloudy day it might be bit more dark and less colouful but still very beautiful if you can still see the vulcano.

We were lucky as the weather wasn’t very good and even though we got some light and colours during the sunrise the clouds got very thick and we didn’t get much sunlight afterwards. It was still very beautiful and except one more couple we were the only ones there enjoying the view.

Bukit Cinta is in the East of Bali so combine the Drive with a stopp at Amed or at the Black beach where you can find salt farmers producing Salt the “Old” way.

2. Tukad Cepung

Located in the Bangli Regency, Tukad Cepung Waterfall is approximately a 1.5 to 2-hour drive from popular tourist destinations like Ubud and Kuta. The easiest way to reach the waterfall is by hiring a private driver or joining a guided tour. Many tour companies offer day trips to Tukad Cepung, which often include transportation, a guided walk to the waterfall, and sometimes even a visit to other nearby attractions.

If you prefer to travel independently, you can rent a scooter or car and drive to the waterfall. From Ubud, head northeast towards Bangli, then follow the signs to Tukad Cepung. Be prepared for a short hike down into the canyon to reach the waterfall, but rest assured, the journey is well worth the effort.

Unlike some of Bali’s more touristy attractions, Tukad Cepung Waterfall maintains a modest entrance fee. As of my last update, the entrance fee was around 15,000 to 20,000 IDR (approximately 1 to 1.50 EUR) per person. This fee helps support the local community and contributes to the maintenance of the trail leading to the waterfall.

The best time to visit Tukad Cepung Waterfall is in the early morning or late afternoon. Arriving early allows you to beat the crowds and experience the tranquility of the waterfall before it gets busy. Plus, the soft morning light filtering through the canopy creates a magical atmosphere that photographers will love.

In the late afternoon, you can witness the waterfall bathed in golden sunlight, creating a stunning backdrop for photos. However, keep in mind that the waterfall can get crowded during peak hours, especially on weekends and holidays. If you prefer a quieter experience, consider visiting on a weekday or during the off-peak season.

When you arrive at the parking lot you follow a trail downhill. You walk through the community where you can buy sorrongs and other goods. When getting down in the valley you follow the path through beautiful vegetation. There are many beautiful plants next to the way. The last step is to walk down some very steep steps. After stat just follow the canyon to your left and after a few minutes you arrive at the waterfall.


Tips for Visiting:

  • the trail to the waterfall can be slippery and uneven so wear sturdy footwear suitable for hiking, when you don’t feel confident on such ways .
  • Bring plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially if you’re visiting during the hotter months.
  • Don’t forget your swimsuit if you plan to take a refreshing dip in the natural pool beneath the waterfall. You will get wet anyways on the way even without taking dip.
  • Respect the natural environment by not littering and following any posted guidelines or regulations.
  • Consider hiring a local guide to enhance your experience and learn more about the flora, fauna, and cultural significance of the area. Like this you are alsocontributing to the local community.


3. Ubud Area

Ubud has long been hailed as the cultural epicenter of Bali, attracting artists, writers, and musicians from around the globe with its creative energy and artistic inspiration. The town is dotted with ornate temples, serene meditation centers, and lush rice paddies, creating a tranquil atmosphere. The centre of Ubud offers beautiful Temples, nice Restaurants and Cafes, a market where you can get souveniers and beautiful green surroundings with jugle vibes.

Ubud Water Palace

We stayed at a beautful Hotel surrounded by rice fields and our view from the Villa was inside the Jungle. Taking a stroll in the afternoon we could explore the area and found some really beautiful landscapes with the drone with Mount Agung in the background.

a green forest with a field and a volcano in the background

4. Leke Leke

Leke Leke is also a very popular waterfall in Bali. The beautiful green Scenry around the waterfall is just stunning. Leke Leke Waterfall is approximately a 1.5 to 2-hour drive from Ubud and Seminyak. The journey to the waterfall typically involves a scenic drive through Bali’s picturesque countryside, followed by a short hike through the jungle. The entrance fee to Leke Leke Waterfall is approximately 30,000 to 50,000 IDR (roughly 2 to 3.50 EUR) per person. The way down to the waterfall is not that long (ca. 30 min) but because of the tempretures it is still quite hard and sweaty. The freshness of the waterfall is perfect after the way down. Be careful not to slip as it can be quite slippery.

That place has just a mystirious vibe – so beautiful! To avouid the crowds you better arrive early in the morning or later in the afternoon. There is not much space at the Waterfall so it fills up very quickly. We were lucky and even though we arrived midday there were only a few people. And most of the people that arrived just stayed a few minutes took some pictures and left again very quickly.

5. Sekumpul

The journey to Sekumpul Waterfall is an adventure in itself. You have to navigate through winding roads and lush countryside to reach the village of Sekumpul, where the trek to the waterfall begins. Along the way, the scenery transitions from rice terraces to dense forests, offering glimpses of rural life and the natural wonders of Bali.

Sekumpul waterfall

Arriving at the Parking lot you have to pay an entrance fee of 250.000 IDR per person. That included the parking fee and also the Guide for the Waterfall. We started our way to the waterfall and walked past a few houses and green fields. Then we started walking downhill untill we reached the edge of a little canyon where you could see the Sekumpul Waterfall from obove. Then we had to walk down like 100.000 steps to reach the valley. The view from inside the Valley on the Sekumpul waterfall was just as beautiful as we thought. The cool water was also very refreshing after the hike down.

Whatch your steps under the Waterfall as it is very slippery.

If you have more time also check out “Hidden Waterfall” next to the Sekumpul Waterfall. It is on the left side after reaching the Valley. You have to walk through Water to reach the waterfall. It is just a single waterfall but still  very beautiful with the pool underneath it.

6. Munduk

Getting to Munduk Waterfall you’ll drive through Bali’s countryside, passing by cute villages and rice fields. Once you reach Munduk village, it’s a short hike through the jungle to get to the waterfall. The trail is pretty easy to follow, and along the way, you’ll see all sorts of beautiful plants and maybe even some wildlife! When you finally reach Munduk Waterfall, get ready to be wowed! It’s this massive cascade of water plunging into a crystal-clear pool below. You can hang out on the rocks, take a refreshing dip, or just soak in the beauty of the surroundings.

10 Waterfalls, Munduk, Bali, Indonesia
10 Waterfalls, Munduk, Bali, Indonesia

One of the coolest things about Munduk Waterfall is that it’s not super crowded like some of Bali’s other spots. Since it’s a bit off the beaten path, you can really chill out and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere without feeling rushed or crowded. It’s the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and just chill with nature.

7. Tibumana

Getting to Tibumana Waterfall is pretty easy. It’s about a 30-minute drive from Ubud, so you can easily rent a scooter or hire a driver to take you there. Once you arrive, it’s just a short walk through the jungle to reach the waterfall. The path is well-marked and surrounded by lush greenery, so you’ll feel like you’re stepping into a tropical paradise. Like alomost everywhere you can find many beautiful plants on the way.


It was like an Oasis in the Jungle. As no one else was there when we arrived, we could enjoy this place all on ourselves. The water was so cold it alway is a challenge to get inside the water. On the way back up to the Parking lot we got a fresh coconut from one of the few stalls on the way.

8. Pura Agung Besakih

Known as the “Mother Temple of Bali,” Pura Besakih holds a sacred place in the hearts of Balinese Hindus and serves as the spiritual epicenter of the island. Pura Agung Besakih stands as a testament to the unwavering faith and devotion of the Balinese people. Its origins date back over a thousand years, with the temple complex evolving over centuries into the sprawling complex that exists today. Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Mount Agung, Pura Besakih is a place of pilgrimage and prayer, drawing devotees from all corners of Bali and beyond. Comprising over 80 individual temples spread across terraced slopes, Pura Agung Besakih is a masterpiece of Balinese architecture and craftsmanship. Each temple within the complex serves a specific purpose, from honoring the deities of Hinduism to providing spaces for meditation and contemplation. Intricately carved stone gates, known as “candi bentar,” mark the entrance to each temple, while towering pagoda-like structures, or “meru,” symbolize the sacred mountains of Hindu cosmology.

We came here during the a a big celebration. During the Galungan festival, celebrated every 210 days, devotees visit the Besakih Temple complex to offer prayers and make offerings. The balinese people wear beautiful cloths mostly all in white with some bright colour Highlights.

To respect the Culture you have to waer appropiate cloths that cover your legs. But do not worry you can rent sorrongs there to cover up.

It is a beautuiful experience to witniss such a spectacular Ceremony. So many people came to the temple to pray it was something we never saw before. When you are in Bali during such a big festival this is a must visit!

9. Tegallalang Rice Terrace

For centuries, the Tegallalang Rice Terraces have been the lifeblood of Bali’s agricultural community, providing sustenance and livelihoods for countless families. The ancient subak irrigation system, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, channels water from the surrounding mountains down to the terraces below, nourishing the rice crops and sustaining the delicate ecosystem of the region. Today, you can witness this age-old tradition in action as farmers tend to their fields using traditional methods passed down through generations.

Tegallalang Rice Terraces

Walking through the small paths in the Rice field is just a calming moment. You get you feet wet and wander through a beautiful tranquill landscape. But be careful not to slip as it is very easy to fall in the Rice field when you don’t watch out where you are going. We arrived early to get this beautiful morning light in the Rice field. There were alo only two other people roaming the rice fields at that time so we could take out time exploring. 

During the rainy season (November – March), Tegallalang comes alive with vibrant shades of green as the rice paddies bask in the nourishing waters that cascade down from the surrounding mountains. As the rainy season gives way to the dry season (April – October), the Tegallalang Rice Terraces undergo a subtle transformation, with the lush greenery gradually giving way to golden hues.

Harvest season (around April and September) is perhaps the most vibrant and bustling time of year in Tegallalang, as farmers gather to reap the fruits of their labor and celebrate the bounty of the land. The terraces are alive with activity, as workers clad in traditional attire move gracefully through the fields, harvesting the ripened rice with skill and precision.

10. Gunung Payung Cave

What sets Gunung Payung Beach apart is its secluded vibe. Unlike some of Bali’s more popular beaches, you won’t find rows of sun loungers or bustling beach bars here. Instead, it’s a place to kick off your shoes, feel the sand between your toes, and let the worries of the world slip away. Whether you’re lounging on the beach, taking a leisurely stroll along the shore, or simply admiring the stunning coastal views. But there are also two caves to explore directly at the beach.

a cave with a person standing on the beach

One cave is on the left sinde the other one is on the right side of the beach. The cave on the left side frames the picture perfectly which we really loved. The other cave was not as high and was a lot wider so it was very hard to get a good picture. The beach was very nice for swimming and sunbathing. There is also a small cafe where you could get some drinks and some small things to eat like Ice cream.

A cave with rocks at Gunung Payung Beach
Gunung Payung Beach


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