Our Top 10 Caves around the World

From the sun-kissed coasts of Indonesia to the icy wonders of Iceland, each cave tells a tale of adventure, mystery and inspiring beauty. Join us as we traverse continents, scale cliffs, and plunge into the depths to bring you a curated list of our top 10 caves around the World.

Table of Contents

1. Kelingking Beach

On the coastline of Nusa Penida lies Kelingking Beach, a locale renowned for its distinctive dinosaur-shaped cliff. This geological marvel, however, is just the beginning. Venturing down the cliff is an adventure on its own. But climbing down the steep and scetchy way reveals a pristine beach, a hidden paradise that we were eager to explore. 

As is our tradition, we embarked on our journey early in the morning, aiming to be the day’s first visitors. And it worked. We had this little paradise for ourselves for 2 whole hours.

A woman sitting in front of the dinosaur shaped cliff of Kelingking beach with the surrounding clear blue waters
With a little fantasy, you can tell why the cliff is called "Dinosaur Cliff"

We stood at the edge of the cliff, taking in the incredible panoramic view. But our main goal was to get to the beach below. The descent turned out to be quite challenging. The path was steep and precarious, requiring us to be cautious with every step. In some parts, the only way forward was by holding onto a rope that was placed at some parts of the way for safety.

Finally reaching the sandy beach felt like a well-deserved reward. Since we started early, we had the beach all to ourselves. However, the powerful waves that morning made it impossible to swim. Their forceful crashes reminded us of the ocean’s strength. Instead, we turned our attention to a stunning cave on one side of the beach. It was so grand that capturing it in its entirety required a wide-angle lens. And even with that we couldn’t capture the whole range of the cave. But it was still amazingly beautiful to experience that without any other Tourists.

Woman walking out of Kelingking Beach Cave with light clouds, blue sea and a big rock in the background
We were the only ones at Kelingking beach until 9 am.

After enjoying the peaceful vibe and taking lots of pictures around the cave, it was time to go uphill. Going up was harder, especially because the sun was very hot now. While we climbed, we met many people coming down which made it harder to go up as we had to let people through and it was quiet narrow most of the times. When we finally got to the top, there were a lot of visitors. We were so lucky to not have to deal with those crowds down at the beach.

Feeling tired but happy, we went to one of the nearby restaurants. As we sat down for a big breakfast, we enjoyed the view and watched the people trying to get a good picture and Monkeys trying to get food.


Update Sept. 2023: There are plans to build some big stairs to make the beach easier and safetier to access. If you want to enjoy the full beauty of the beach, better be there soon!


2. Benagil Cave

Benagil Cave was our Algarve highlight for a unique reason: diving headfirst into the morning ambiance of this spectacular cave. Our recent trip revealed that a 7 am arrival was the key to witnessing the cave’s full magic.

Getting ready, we soon figured out that planning is key for an adventure like this. Benagil Cave’s accessibility depends on the tides and weather conditions, so we had to decide whether to swim, kayak, or paddleboard based on the tidal patterns. Safety was a top priority, so we took all precautions, making sure we had checked the weather and Tide every minute and packing our camera gear in waterproof bags before heading to the cave. Our foresight really paid off, especially when dealing with the unpredictable Mediterranean waters.

After reaching Benagil Beach we parked at the designated spot near the beach. There were plenty of kayak and paddleboard rentals setting up for the day’s business down at the beach. We stashed our clothes between some rocks to the left of the beach and plunged into the cool autumn waters. The water was calm and it only took us like 7 minutes to reach the entrence of the cave.

The experience of swimming into the cave was surreal — the blue waves, the echoing sounds from the massive walls of the cave, and the magical morning light combined to create a once-in-a-lifetime moment. But be careful with the waves at the entrance of the cave as they might be much higher than outside.

For 30 minutes we had the whole place to oureselves. It was just magical! Soon after, two fellow travelers from Germany joined us. Over an impromptu oyster breakfast, we collaborated on taking some memorable photos. As the minutes ticked by, the cave began to fill up with kayaking tourists, and the tranquility of the early morning quickly faded.

We went back into the water but getting out of the cave was quite challenging as Boats and the waves made it hard to leave but eventually we reached the Beach and collected our clothes. There were now many people at the Beach getting ready to swim inside or rent a kayak/standup paddle board.

Our adventure rounded off with some relaxed  beach time and a snack at a cliff-top cafĂ© called O Pescador Benagil. With a nice and strong coffee in our hands, we looked down at the now bustling beach and cave, feeling grateful for our early morning adventure and the memories we’d created.

3. Agios Pavlos Twin Cave

On our recent trip to Crete, Greece, we stumbled upon a captivating photo on Instagram. It showcased this uniquely shaped cave that had us intrigued. The challenge was, no one spilled the beans on its exact location. After some serious detective work, I uncovered a clue that led us to Agios Pavlos, a serene spot on Crete’s south coast. Excited to check it out, we headed to this quiet and laid-back destination.

Agios Pavlos turned out to be this tiny town oozing tranquility, with two beachfront restaurants dishing out mouthwatering seafood. From there, you get these panoramic views of the ocean, and when the night sky is clear, the Milky Way puts on a celestial show.

The beach itself is just calling you to stretch out and chill, framed by this massive cliff. Getting there involves about a 45-minute walk along the beach or a quick ten-minute car ride to a slightly bumpy parking spot at the top of the cliff. Sliding down the sandy slope is a blast, but a word of caution, navigating the vast sand dune from this end

The sandy slopes of the Beach by the small town of Agios Pavlos with the rock formation that hosts the famous twin cave
Sliding down the sandy slopes is lots of fun if you manage to navigate around the hidden rocks in the sand

On our mission to find that hidden cave, we had a hunch it might be somewhere around the massive cliff that kind of takes over the center of the beach. Trying to get a better look, we drove up the cliff, and let me tell you, the view from up there was absolutely stunning. When we made our way down the dune, we were greeted by crystal-clear waters, making the beach even more beautiful.

Heading towards the big rocks in the middle, we could feel the excitement building up; it looked like we were on the right path. And sure enough, when we got to the spot, there it was – the very cave that kickstarted our little adventure.

Couple kissing in twin Cave Agios Pavlos at sunset
The sunset was spectacular from inside the cave.

Even though it turned out to be a bit smaller than we thought, this place had a charm that you just couldn’t ignore. The setting sun painted everything in this golden glow, adding a touch of magic to our little find. In that moment, surrounded by nature’s beauty, the whole quest felt totally worth it.

Agios Pavlos is a very beautiful, magical place.

4. Yoda Cave

During our Icelandic winter adventure, the HjörleifshöfĂ°i Cave, affectionately nicknamed the “Yoda Cave“, was one of our highlight. As the name suggests, inside the cave is a naturally formed silhouette that bears a striking resemblance to Star Wars’ Master Yoda.

Yoda Cave from the outside in the cliffs vegetated with grass
You can guess the shape of yoda from the outside, but the magic finally reveals when you step inside

Setting off from the Ring Road near Vic, we parked the car next to the road as it was impossible to drive to the cave with all the Snow and ice. The cave is about a half-hour walk away from the Ring Road. The scenery was beautiful with all the Snow.

You can already see the unique shape of the cave from the outside. and like always we were lucky that no one else was there. So we had some time to explore the cave without having to rush.

Woman standing on a rock in yoda cave with light yellowish sunrise sky in the background
We first thought the yoda silhouette was photoshopped when we saw it on instagram

As we walked in, there it was – the famous Yoda silhouette. Surrounded by shiny icicles and the quiet sounds of the cave, it felt like we had stepped right into a scene from a galaxy far, far away. The cave’s natural acoustics and the way the light played around made the whole experience even cooler.

Heading back from the cave was just as amazing. The huge Atlantic Ocean stretched out on one side, and you couldn’t miss the imposing Myrdalsjökull glacier in the distance

Woman standing by small river running through black gravel with some snowy cliffs in the background
We found this little creek on the way back

In essence, the Yoda Cave is a testament to Iceland’s natural wonders, blending the unexpected with the majestic. It’s a spot where a simple walk can turn into a memorable story.

5. Gunung Payung

Gunung Payung Cave is situated along the southern coast of Bali, Indonesia. Specifically, it’s near the area of Nusa Dua. The cave is accessible by descending a series of well-maintained steps, offering a picturesque journey. Along the way, you’ll pass remnants of an ancient stone theater, providing a glimpse into the rich local history. This old-world amphitheater stands proudly, offering panoramic views of the vast sea.

Nice and shady cave at Gunung Payung Cave with the blus sea and clear sky in the background
We first thought we found the cave, but this one was way smaller and seemed to be a drinking spot for the local youths

The path meanders through light underbrush, guiding you towards the inviting aroma of a nearby cafĂ©, a clear sign that the beach is close. Once reaching the beach, take a stroll about 5 minutes to the left, steering away from the more crowded spots, and you’ll stumble upon the entrance to Gunung Payung Cave.

Depending on the Tide it might be hard to enter the Cave. So always look out for the tides before going to the beach. The cave is really big and with the sea behind it it makes a beautiful picture. But also the Beach itselves is beautiful. “White” sand everywhere and perfect for swimming and relaxing.

Beautiful round-shaped gunung payung cave with a woman standing inside, clear blue water and blue sky in the background
We enjoyed the cool shady spot for a while after our walk down the hot sunny beach.

We really enjoyed  our stay at the beach and were glad to check it out. Before going back up to the car we treated ourselves to some ice cream.

6. Cala Luna

Cala Luna is a mesmerizing beach nestled along the eastern coast of Sardinia, Italy. The easiest way to reach Cala Luna is by taking a boat from Cala Ganone. The other Option is to hike there. The hiking distance is approximately 4-5 kilometers, depending on the specific trail you choose. The trail is moderate, suitable for hikers of various skill levels. It includes both flat and uphill sections and takes usually 1,5 to 2 Hours per way- As we already did a very exhausting hike a day before we decided to take a boat. We joyned a tour which startet in Cala Ganone and did various stops along the way to Cala Luna.

Some of the Spots we also visited were Cala Goloritze and Cala Marilou. But the true highlight awaited at Cala Luna. The main beach was quite crowded with people from the different tours.  To reach the Caves you have to walk a little further down the beach and there were alomost no people there. So we had the cave all to ourselves. Only some climbers and boulderers were outside the cave to do their thing. Inside, the sheer size was awe-inspiring.

Deep Cala luna cave thit the bright eye of clear blus water and evening sky with a woman standing inside in a red dress
Most stunning about Cala Luna is how deep it leads into the rock. And it gets really cold walking further inside

Following our exploration inside, we decided to capture the beauty of the caves from a different perspective. Launching our drone, we were mesmerized by the aerial shots it provided, showcasing the caves’ vastness against the backdrop of the shimmering sea.

Drone photo of the entrance on Cala Luna Cave with a woman in a red dress in front
We enjoyed the scenery lighted by the golden october sun, but decided not to spend our time at the crowded sunny part of the beach

Our day began to wind down as we headed back to Cala Gonone. En route, we paused to savor homemade wine and crunchy crackers, all while being serenaded by the golden hues of the setting sun. By the time we docked, a mix of sun, swimming, snorkeling, and photography had left us happily exhausted, with memories we’d cherish for a lifetime.

We went on that trip in October which is the low season. Prepare ahead and stay a few days in that area as not always boats will leave for the tour. If you want to be away from the crowds better book a private tour as all the boats will visit the same spots (with a few minutes apart from each other) and it can get very crowded especially during the high season.

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7. Staousa Beach

Staousa Beach is located in the southern part of Crete and is a very quite part of the Island where you don’t meet many tourists. The beach ia not big but that made it very charming, and it was refreshing to see mostly local families enjoying their day, giving the place an authentic vibe.

Like always we found out about this place online. We were eager to find it and explore. Getting to the beach was easy whith Google maps. There is a parking space right above the beach and it is only a short walk down some steps.

The beach itselfe was rocky and very small. There were already some locals laying on the beach. But the water was very beautuful and perfect for swimming and snorkeling. One Tip: take swimming shoes as it is very hard to get into the water without them beacause of all teh stones.

On the left side of the beach was the cave. It doesn’t look special from the outside but when you go to farthest point insde the cave you can manage to take this picture of the cave.

Staousa Beach Cave with some cliffs, blue sky and shallow waves in the background.
The cave is way smaller than it looks on the photo.

8. Drei Zinnen

In the heart of the Dolomites, among its myriad of caves, there’s one that offers a truly unparalleled view of the “Tre Cimes” or “Drei Zinnen.” This iconic trio of peaks, standing tall and unyielding, is a sight to behold, and the cave provides a unique vantage point.

Stunning circular shaped cave with a woman sitting inside Tre Cime or Drei Zinnen in the background
Drei Zinnen Cave is certainly one of the most intriguing instagram spots.

Getting to this cave can be a bit of a challenge, especially for those with a fear of heights. Following an uphill hike, you’re faced with the task of climbing a notably steep wall. Every handhold and step becomes a testament to the spirit of adventure, but the payoff at the top makes it all worthwhile.

Once you conquer the ascent and step into the cave, the panoramic view that unfolds is absolutely breathtaking. The “Tre Cimes” dominate the horizon, their majestic silhouettes perfectly framed by the mouth of the cave. It’s like a natural viewing deck, offering a perspective that few people get to see.

Conveniently, the cave’s viewpoint is just behind the “DreizinnenhĂĽtte.” This means you don’t have to embark on an extensive hike to reach it. Yet, the short journey is packed with adrenaline, beauty, and a sense of accomplishment.

In the vastness of the Dolomites, this cave stands out not just for its challenging access, but for the unparalleled views it offers. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best sights require a little extra effort.

A panoramic view captures the rugged allure of the Three Merlons against a mountainous backdrop.

9. Praia do Beliche

As we made our way along the southern coast of Portugal, we stumbled upon Praia do Beliche, a beautiful beach at the Algarve Coast. The convenience of our car made reaching very easy, but it was the descent that added a twist to the journey. A series of steep stone stairs led the way down, turning the path to the beach into a mini adventure of its own.

Vertical panoramic view of the cave at the very end of praia do beliche showing the to ceiling hole and the entrance where a woman is sitting on a rock
The upper hole is right in the ceiling of the high cave, which creates a special atmosphere standing inside

The beach offered lots of space for us to stretch out, lie in the sun and dive into the water.

As we explored, the real surprise of Praia do Beliche was revealed to our right: an almost hidden cave. We nearly overlooked it, stumbling upon the entrance only when taking a walk on the beach.

The outer appearance of the cave was unassuming, but stepping inside revealed its magical interior. As we ventured further, the expansive ceiling of the cave left a lasting impression. Deeper in, a large opening in the roof allowed sunlight to stream inside.

Trying to capture this beautiful place, our wide-angle lens struggled to fully convey the cave’s grandeur. Turning to our iPhones, we switched to panoramic mode to capture the majestic scene, ensuring we had a memory to share.

10.  BreiĂ°amerkurjökull Ice Cave

Our adventure to the sapphire ice caves of Breiðamerkurjökull glacier felt like a rollercoaster of uncertainty and challenges. The night before our big day, the weather threw us a curveball. Rain was pouring like there was no tomorrow, and with temperatures chilling at around 2°C, the forecast for the night promised a bone-chilling -12°C.

Things took an interesting turn when, at 2 am, we woke up to a winter wonderland covered in a thick blanket of snow. The 4-hour drive from Hroarslaekur turned into a bit of a mission as icy roads slowed us down. By the time we arrived, we were already one hour late, with the sight of other groups already trekking towards the glacier making us feel kind of stressed as we especially booked a private Tour which leaves before the crowds.

Blue Coloured Glacier Ice Cave in Iceland with light shining throug a hole in the ceiling
The lower Cave was looking spectacular, even though, it was a little crowded already

Our Guide from Ice pick journeys already waited for us at the parking lot of the Lagoon. We just got our stuff and than our yournay to the glacia started. We have never been in such a big car. The Tires were as big as a child. But we were glad about the big car as the road to the Glacier was crazy andy very bumpy. After half an hour we reached the place where we parked the car and started our walk to the entrance of the cave. A few meters in front of the cave we stopped to put on our equipment like a helmet, harness and spikes. Then we heded to the entrence of the cave. Walking on a glacia is not as easy at it looks but you get used to it very quickly. You have to walk down a fey icy, snowy stepps the you are already inside the saphire ice cave. There were already some photographers trying to get the best shots of the cave.

As we booked a photography coaching session with Ice Pic Journeys, we began taking test shots in the horizontal cave. We tried many different perspectives and our Guide Mike guided us to take the best shots of the cave. Wear bright and waterproof cloths as water is constantly dripping down the icy walls and for better fotos bright colours will bring out the most of your pictures. At some point there were many groups entering and leaving the cave so we were so glad to take our time in this private setting. That cave is the main attraction on the Glacier where most of the daily groups go to.

After the Saphire cave we went back up onthe Glacier and walked to a different cave located more deep into the Glacier. It it was like a different world! The vastness of the glacier, combined with the mesmerizing play of light reflecting in countless shades of blue, was nothing short of breathtaking. The caves never have the same shape.

The ever-changing nature of glaciers means that these caves can shift or collapse unexpectedly, so an expierenced Guide is a must!

Spectacular twin cave in side the Breidamerkurjökull glacier in Southern Iceland
This was more an ice canyon than a "real" cave, but it was our absolute highlight hearing the little creek roaring down the glacier around the corner

However, amid this amazing experience, a more serious reality grabs our attention. The BreiĂ°amerkurjökull glacier is shrinking fast, retreating hundreds of meters every year. It’s a clear sign of our planet’s changing climate.

While the caves’ fleeting beauty made our journey extra special, it also emphasizes the urgent need for environmental awareness. As we said goodbye, the melting giants of Iceland became a reminder of nature’s grandeur and a loud call for its protection.


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